This method requires the same preparations as Method 3, and it requires only one installation device. Next, you can downgrade Windows 10 Enterprise to Home by using the installation device that was used to install the Pro edition. When attempting a downgrade, make sure that you have a valid user account password. However, it’s important to remember that downgrading can wipe out your settings, so you may want to back up your files before attempting to use the new version. This will cost you some money, so you may want to consider downgrading to the home edition first. If you’ve bought the Pro edition of Windows 10, you’ll need to purchase a product key in order to downgrade. Once you have the activation code, you can go to the Settings app and open the registry editor. You’ll need the activation code for Windows 10 to complete the process. Then, you can use the media creation tool to change your product name from Pro to Home. First of all, you should install the home edition of Windows on your computer. There are several ways to downgrade Windows 10 from Pro to Home.