The Moonlight Sonata is known as the most famous piano sonata in the romantic period (adagio sostenuto). Beethoven had a deep love for the works of Bach and his music inspired him to write the Moonlight Sonata. The Moonlight Sonata was inspired by his admiration for the music of Johann Christian Bach. Beethoven had a great love for the classical works of Franz Joseph Haydn and his contemporaries. What was Beethoven's inspiration for Moonlight Sonata? According to the classical music encyclopedia Wikipedia, the Moonlight Sonata is widely believed to have been inspired by a sonata for piano sonata no 14 in c sharp minor by the French pianist and composer Maria Theresia von Paradis. It has been associated with many different associations and meanings, but is generally agreed to be romantic. It is one of the most recognizable pieces of music and has been credited to the Romanticism movement. Why is Moonlight Sonata so famous? The Moonlight Sonata is the most popular piece of music in the world.

It is one of the most recognizable pieces of music in the world, and has become the epitome of Romanticism. The Moonlight Sonata is a piece of music composed by Beethoven in 1801. 2) was dedicated in 1802 to his love Julie, a romance he couldn't persue thus writing this masterpiece. He was born in Bonn, Germany and his musical talent was evident from an early age of his life. His music works are a bridge between classical and romantic era. Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer from 17. Original published key for this score is C but it can be transposed into C#, D, D#, B, Bb and A to suit the needs of musicians at various musical levels. Minimum required purchase quantity for these notes is 1. The arrangement code for the composition is PVGRHM. Catalog SKU number of the sheet music is 37676. The style of the music score is Classical. Download Ludwig van Beethoven Moonlight Sonata sheet music and printable PDF score arranged for Piano, Vocal & Guitar (Right-Hand Melody) and includes 3 pages.